The Salzburg Advent Singing Friends

Our association, the “Friends of the Salzburg Advent Singing”, demonstrates its extraordinary solidarity with the Salzburg Advent Singing. We also support local folk culture. In addition to preserving the traditional cultural heritage, the main aim of our support is above all its innovative further development.
Much praise for a special kind of "circle of friends"!
Founded in 1984, the “Friends of the Salzburg Advent Singing” association now has around 800 members and supporters, who demonstrate their extraordinary solidarity with the Salzburg Advent Singing. And the friendship does not stop at the gates of Salzburg. A third of the “friends” come from Austria and around two thirds from Germany. The friends’ association even has a small following in Switzerland and Lichtenstein.

Your advantages
as a member of "Friends of the Salzburg Advent Singing"
Download the membership form here, return the completed form and have your personal Salzburg Advent Singing Fan Card sent to you.
If you have any questions, please contact us on +43 662 843 182 or by e-mail freunde@salzburgeradventsingen.at.
Yearly fee
member: EUR 45,00
sponsor: EUR 450,00
a vital event
Sunday - matinee in the Großes Festspielhaus
In December 1990, on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Prof. Wilhelm Keller, the long-time composer of the Salzburg Advent Singing, the association presented all “friends” with a gift of special quality for the first time. Wilhelm Keller’s Christmas oratorio “Adventus Domini” was premiered in the Grosses Festspielhaus as part of an Advent Singing matinee.
Since then, the Salzburg Advent Singing has been inviting audiences to a matinee in the Grosses Festspielhaus every year on the first Sunday in Advent – exclusively and free of charge for Advent Singing fans. A very special, in-depth introduction to the work with performers and an unforgettable look behind the scenes!

VIP-Status for ticket ordering
Exclusively for club members
Tickets for the Salzburg Advent Singing are in high demand! Club members have a valuable trump card when booking their tickets. Due to their special connection to the Salzburg Advent Singing, their ticket orders – provided they are deposited in good time – are given priority over all others. An insider’s tip to get your coveted tickets more or less safely!
Support for the shepherd children
Support for young talents
The Salzburger Hirtenkinder are not only dear to the audience but also to the Friends of the Salzburg Advent Singing. Members of the association support the year-round training of these young talents in music, singing, dancing and acting with their annual membership fee!

The Salzburg Advent Singing is a life lesson
An impressive portrait of our shepherd children by Servus TV – Rating: Worth seeing!
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