The piece 2016

Gib uns Frieden

"Gib uns Frieden!" 2016

It was the year 1946

In the seventieth year of its existence, the Salzburg Advent Singing returns to its beginnings. The wounds of war are still visible in Salzburg’s old town in 1946, but the reconstruction of the destroyed cathedral is already well advanced.

It is Advent. The biting cold spreads through the evening silence on Residenzplatz. Only a few people are still out and about in the evening. An innkeeper welcomes musicians who are due to play at the Homecoming Ball, a refugee couple come freezing along the path with their belongings, a few children scramble for a piece of bread and the old sacristan scurries into a chapel with her head bowed. A solemn chorale can be heard from the old hornwork on the fortress. A man in typical Salzburg dress stands in the old arcade arches and philosophizes animatedly with an elegantly dressed lady.

An idea was born

In the seventieth year of its existence, the Salzburg Advent Singing returns to its beginnings. The wounds of war are still visible in Salzburg’s old town in 1946, but the reconstruction of the destroyed cathedral is already well advanced.

What was it that inspired the two of them to discuss? They seem to be exchanging memories. A lot has already happened in their lives. The imperial era, then two terrible world wars, the time in between was no picnic either and now? Disappointed by a betrayed life? Perhaps inner conflicts and tensions, sadness in your heart? Their new-found freedom and zest for life is reflected in boisterous, loud homecoming balls. But the two don’t feel like it. In the long nights before the solstice, they long more for silence, for a time to pause and remember musician friends and their own sons who have not returned home.

The idea of a first Advent carol sing was born. They remember old Advent traditions from their childhood, beautiful, heartfelt songs and melodies, Mary and Joseph’s search for shelter, funny nativity plays and the joyful Gloria of Christmas Eve. Their memories flow into the first Salzburg Advent Singing and will be brought back to life as a tribute at the anniversary Advent Singing 2016.

The magic of the Salzburg Advent Singing

“There is magic in every beginning.”

This quote from Hermann Hesse’s poem Stufen can be beautifully applied to the Salzburg Advent Singing. This beginning has now lasted for 70 years and has lost none of its magic to this day.

Hans Köhl, General Director

Gib uns Frieden 2016

Picture gallery

The piece 2016



Susanna Szameit

Simone Vierlinger

Bernhard Teufl

Katrin Auzinger

Johanna Dumfart

Hans Köhl

Carolin Altenberger (Lieserl, Harmonika),
Anna Neumayr (Roserl, Gitarre),
Felix Neureiter (Sepp, Klarinette)

Salzburger Hirtenkinder

Nora Gadringer (Agerl),
Tobias Gadringer (Xari, Bassgeige),
Theresa Hochleitner (Burgi, Hackbrett),
Moritz Hruschka (Johannes, Geige),
Anna Lena Maislinger (Zenzi, Querflöte),
Valentin Nagl (Veitl, Trompete),
Marlene Neumayr (Kathi, Querflöte),
Sarah Oberkofler (Lisbeth, Horn),
Lorena Resch (Susi, Alt-Saxophon),
Sebastian Rindberger (Franz, Zuwipascher),
Magdalena Schneider (Lena, Klarinette),
Monika Schöne (Steffi, Klarinette, Flöte),
Leni Seer (Fexal, Geige),
Thomas Siller (Hans, Harmonika),
Michael Thalmayer (Rudolf, Trompete),
Sophie Zeilner (Toni, Geige)

Production, Care

Markus Helminger, Simon Haitzmann, Caroline Richards,Hildegard Stofferin, Gudrun Köhl-Korbul


Johanna Dumfart (Sopran),
Theresa Lehner (Alt),
Reinhard Gusenbauer (Tenor)

Reinhard Gusenbauer (Tenor),
Johannes Eder (Tenor),
Michael Dumfart (Bariton),
Christoph Bamschoria (Bass)

80 Sängerinnen und Sänger; Einstudierung und Chorleitung: Burgi Vötterl;


Ltg: Reinhold Schmid (Gitarre);
Johannes Rohrer (Zither),
Kerstin Schmid-Pleschonig (Hackbrett), Heidi Grundner (Harfe),
Franz Obermair (Kontrabass),
Konstantin Schrempf (Orgelportativ)

Ltg: Maria Dengg (Geige);
Burgi Vötterl (Geige),
Gundl Aggermann (Flöte),
Andrea Brucker (Bratsche,
Timea Laczkò-Tòth (Cello)

Ltg: Horst Hofer (Trompete, Flügelhorn);
Gerhard Gergely (Trompete, Flügelhorn),
Zoran Curovic (Trompete, Flügelhorn),
Uwe Schummer (Posaune),
Thomas Höger (Posaune),
Erwin Wendl (Posaune

Ltg: Gottfried Linsinger (Oboe, Englischhorn);
Gerti Hollweger (Fagott),
Anton Gmachl (Klarinette)

Technology, Equipment

Ltg: Hubert Schwaiger;
Paul Fresacher, Wolfgang Brunauer, Johannes Köhl


Thomas Hinterberger,
Caroline Richards

Ltg: Edwin Pfanzagl – Cardone;
Günther Harner,
Werner Heidrich,
Susanne Gasselsberger

Ltg: Helmut Schauer

Joinery Alfred Laserer, Gosau