70 years of shepherd children
Meeting of generations of shepherds
a great day
On Sunday, September 4, 2016, the weather was glorious on the Loferer-Alm in Salzburg’s Pinzgau region. With your support, the Heimatwerk invited all the shepherds from the past 70 years of the Salzburg Advent Singing to a generational reunion. Some are now scattered all over the world, some have already passed away, quite a few had to excuse themselves, but over sixty came. Memories were exchanged, the lyrics and pieces of music are still surprisingly well remembered by the alumni. It was an unforgettable day with a promise to hold another reunion like this in five years’ time. A big thank you to Günther Auer for being there and for the financial help from you friends of our Salzburg Advent Singing.
Your Hans Köhl
Your Hans Köhl